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38 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/09/27(木) 20:55 ID:???
2ch厨房、米国WTC関連BBSで暴れる 2001/9/18(Tue)

ブラクラを貼付けようとした厨房がいて、管理者(THE BOSS)によってそのIPがFBIに送られた模様

> Sorry, the guest book is closed until futher notice, some "so called
>hacker" from Japan has screwed up the script. This person's IP and
>messages have been sent to the FBI. They may not be able to find him, but
>we know a little more about these Jap Radicals now. Sorry to all the
>people whos machines got crashed by that "modified" page.
>- Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 14:19:14 (EDT)

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by◆kTvYxtEs + @ラウンジラジオ板