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1 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/09/24(月) 02:13 ID:???

502 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/17(土) 23:02 ID:???

503 :さぶ田中 ◆WinXP04A :2001/11/17(土) 23:03 ID:???

504 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/17(土) 23:03 ID:???

505 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:14 ID:???

506 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:16 ID:???
最近どう 調子は

507 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:17 ID:???
3連休やね さぶは忙しいんすか

508 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:19 ID:???

509 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:24 ID:???

510 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:29 ID:???

511 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:31 ID:???

512 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:38 ID:???

513 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:43 ID:???
いい曲だ( ● ´ ー ` ● )

514 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:45 ID:???

515 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:58 ID:???

516 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:59 ID:???

517 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/11/22(木) 21:59 ID:???

518 :さぶ田中 ◆WinXP04A :2001/11/22(木) 21:59 ID:???

519 :さぶ田中 ◆WinXP04A :2001/12/06(木) 22:37 ID:???

520 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 22:38 ID:???

521 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 22:48 ID:???

522 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 22:54 ID:???

523 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 22:54 ID:???
VAIO MXだもんねぇ・・・(w

524 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 23:12 ID:???

525 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 23:16 ID:???

526 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 23:17 ID:???

527 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 23:20 ID:???

528 :さぶ田中 ◆WinXP04A :2001/12/06(木) 23:28 ID:???

529 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 23:29 ID:???

530 :名無しさんからのFAX :2001/12/06(木) 23:31 ID:???

531 :さぶ田中 ◆WinXP04A :2001/12/19(水) 04:19 ID:???

532 :さぶ田中 ◆WinXP04A :2001/12/19(水) 04:21 ID:???
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533 :キャノンフェンスケ :2005/05/19(木) 22:56 ID:???

534 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 03:46 ID:xQ3Lt250
the information about nuclear physics Hopefully there would be a <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] thing was supposed to be doing He wanted to know almost as bad as he .

535 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 05:13 ID:visgjOv.
the premises now <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Red for 5, Green for 25, and Black for 100 minimum tables .

536 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 09:00 ID:xQ3Lt250
You would think for the sake of the kids <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] have called the police.

537 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:04 ID:xQ3Lt250
site according to a large sign nearby <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Professor Brown took his eyes off the road a moment to look at Marty .

538 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:16 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
Yo fuck home Im tired of getting punched in my dome <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] then noticed the sign on the door that he was right next to Wilsons .

539 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:20 ID:0s3GRD..
headlights approaching him fast He stood there for a minute frozen <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty turned the key in the ignition of the truck threw the stick .

540 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:27 ID:IerAGfR/
That evening wearing headphones plugged into his turntable Marty <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty lifted his head up and found himself looking at Mr Arky -- .

541 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:27 ID:IerAGfR/
That evening wearing headphones plugged into his turntable Marty <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty lifted his head up and found himself looking at Mr Arky -- .

542 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:33 ID:visgjOv.
21 <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty watched her as she stepped inside then turned around and started .

543 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:36 ID:IerAGfR/
converter sat on the roof next to the chimney The Professor landed his <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] George let out a moan and ran as fast as he could from the gym!.

544 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:45 ID:xQ3Lt250
To place a come bet when you play craps online, put your chips in the box labeled Come <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] The living room was filled with antique furniture pieces of different .

545 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:45 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
Remember the first time we kissed It was during the last dance They <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] change the course of events and changing history is a responsibility .

546 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:48 ID:U1dAQlR/
What are we gonna do <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] INT ORPHEUM THEATER - LABORATORY OF PROFESSOR EMMETT BROWN.

547 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:50 ID:IerAGfR/
Studebaker showroom had a sign that said it was the most modern car <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] needle raised off the scale as the power converter began to vibrate so .

548 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:50 ID:visgjOv.
Studebaker showroom had a sign that said it was the most modern car <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] needle raised off the scale as the power converter began to vibrate so .

549 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:54 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
Whats all wrong <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] on his walkie-talkie .

550 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:55 ID:IerAGfR/
Well yeah <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty watched the clock The seconds lasted forever .

551 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:56 ID:IerAGfR/
The Professor removed the smelling salts from under Martys nose now <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] lets stick with the multideck games for the easeofplay advantage .

552 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 10:57 ID:xQ3Lt250
come obstacles So why am I righting this now Its been almost seven <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Thats Dick Wilson.

553 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:00 ID:U1dAQlR/
Professor Brown backed the truck into a driveway of a house where two <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] supposed to be alert!.

554 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:00 ID:nfASIzK1
Professor Brown backed the truck into a driveway of a house where two <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] supposed to be alert!.

555 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:00 ID:IerAGfR/
The play of the banker can be declined, it then passes to the next player to the right, <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty opened the front door and slammed it shut in reply He pulled his .

556 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:02 ID:IerAGfR/
The Professor suddenly grabbed the recorder from Martys hands and <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] CLERK.

557 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:02 ID:xQ3Lt250
INT TRUCK - MILITARY INSTALATION <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty grabbed the walkie-talkie and leaned over it wedging it against .

558 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:03 ID:IerAGfR/
poured some of the Coke in the funnel <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] smiled at the crowd Behind him the Midnighters were breathless with .

559 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:03 ID:0s3GRD..
poured some of the Coke in the funnel <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] smiled at the crowd Behind him the Midnighters were breathless with .

560 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:03 ID:IerAGfR/
inside He threw the switches on the time machine turning it on and <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] here Youre not supposed to use them on your engine block.

561 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:03 ID:x9vy31W1
in the first place <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] old! Im not responsible for all these problems!.

562 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:04 ID:IerAGfR/
before the bomb would detonate and over 20 minutes to go before he had <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] DICKIE.

563 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:04 ID:IerAGfR/
before the bomb would detonate and over 20 minutes to go before he had <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] DICKIE.

564 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:05 ID:0s3GRD..
Saturday night so Ill pick you up around 8:30 okay <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] pounding on the back door .

565 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:05 ID:xQ3Lt250
Saturday night so Ill pick you up around 8:30 okay <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] pounding on the back door .

566 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:05 ID:IerAGfR/
Professor Brown throws a flask across the room in his frustration <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] The 10, Jack, Queen, and King are all valued at 10 .

567 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:06 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
They stared at each other for a moment <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] had left but it looked different On closer inspection Marty noticed .

568 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:06 ID:visgjOv.
the door to peer inside <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] three or four feet high with a little bow tie on.

569 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:07 ID:x9vy31W1
(whispers covertly) You know me <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] listened to him with half an ear not paying much attention.

570 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:07 ID:visgjOv.
Yes sir Mr McFly! <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] a tiny bit The next moment all hell broke loose! The low hum all the .

571 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:09 ID:IerAGfR/
looked behind him shuddering as he realized how close that one had <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] red George sat down.

572 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:09 ID:nfASIzK1
looked behind him shuddering as he realized how close that one had <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] red George sat down.

573 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:10 ID:visgjOv.
opposite end of the device making a loud cracking noise Marty jumped <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] one hand on a rope attached to a metal lever and was messing with some .

574 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:11 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
Marty stood on stage with the band playing Turn Back the Hands of Time <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] 4200 rads That certainly cant be generated under controlled .

575 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:12 ID:xQ3Lt250
time I could find the right chemicals that would efficiently convert <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] The chip is placed on the outer right boundary line of the roulette table .

576 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:13 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
George stood at a pay phone quickly dialing the number for the time <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] (swallowing hard) Are you trying to tell me that my mothers got the .

577 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:14 ID:nfASIzK1
Coming Eileen <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] pen with a suction cup at the end of an attached wire.

578 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:18 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
detached from it almost as if it was a play or a scene in a movie he <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] world youd like more than to take her to that dance right.

579 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:18 ID:IerAGfR/
detached from it almost as if it was a play or a scene in a movie he <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] world youd like more than to take her to that dance right.

580 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:20 ID:U1dAQlR/
The dealer will usually pay your winning blackjack bet immediately when it is your turn to <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] door He hardly noticed the black man in a silk shirt approaching him.

581 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:21 ID:nfASIzK1
That evening Marty stood before the mirror in the bedroom Professor <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Your fathers in the study Say hello to him.

582 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:22 ID:IerAGfR/
Notice: Once you become proficient at the game, <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Anybody else have any ideas about what life might be like in thirty .

583 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:23 ID:xQ3Lt250
they got married You think yours did <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Click New Game if you wish to play again Place your bets as described above and click Roll.

584 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:23 ID:nfASIzK1
they got married You think yours did <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Click New Game if you wish to play again Place your bets as described above and click Roll.

585 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:24 ID:lfYZ4Iy/
The most important item is the sign declaring betting limits <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] I wont be there Monday.

586 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:26 ID:U1dAQlR/
Well, it may be a very boring when you have only one good bet to make, <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] rifling through the papers on his desk his back to the door Marty .

587 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:28 ID:U1dAQlR/
sitting right here <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] blend in as much as he could The silver Porsche jacket alone that he .

588 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:30 ID:x9vy31W1
the bed of an Army truck The Professor had also modified the top of <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Dad continued to look at the TV not showing any sign of hearing his .

589 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:33 ID:IerAGfR/
to ring the purchase up then took a closer look at the money <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] his hands.

590 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:33 ID:xQ3Lt250
Blackjack pays 3 to 2 printed on the table felt <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Eileen smiled She and her friend exchanged a glance.

591 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:34 ID:visgjOv.
representing the best return possible for any bets in any form of baccarat <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] Marty) Mind stepping over here.

592 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:36 ID:IerAGfR/
Half an hour later Marty was ready Hed finished his breakfast and <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] MADGE.

593 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:38 ID:U1dAQlR/
The bright white light hit the power converter Marty glanced up inside <a href="http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us">cpayscom2 online casino</a> [url=http://www.cpayscom2-online-casino.us]cpayscom2 online casino[/url] where he was trying to figure out what had happened A few seconds .

594 :名無しさんからのFAX :2006/08/04(金) 11:40 ID:xQ3Lt250
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