(07/14/01 19:38:55) ****InitACM failed for song nhk5.mp3 ripped at 24000 bps, 1 channel(s), with a sample rate of 16000. Could this be at the wrong speed? (07/14/01 19:38:55) This MP3 codec cannot convert D:\nhk8.mp3 to from MONO to STEREO (07/14/01 19:38:55) so must skip this track, mmerr=512 (07/14/01 19:38:55) ****InitACM failed for song nhk8.mp3 ripped at 24000 bps, 1 channel(s), with a sample rate of 16000. Could this be at the wrong speed? (07/14/01 19:38:55) Your playlist has failed. Check live.log for more details (07/14/01 19:41:25) Playlist done